Recent Publications by IAG Members

This page lists recent items published by members of the Institute of Australian Geographers, and includes an archive of books published by IAG members since 2005.
If you have a publication to add to this page, please email Julie Kesby at

Recent Publications by IAG Members:


Connell, J., McManus, P., & Ding, X., 2024. Chinese Tourism in Australia: Koalas, Selfies and Red Dresses. Palgrave Macmillan.

Lobo, Michele; Mayes, Eve; Bedford, Laura 2024. Planetary Justice: Stories and Studies of Action, Resistance and Solidarity. Bristol University Press.

Robinson, G. M., 2024. Transforming Rural China. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Vanclay, F.  & Esteves A.M., (Eds.), 2024. Handbook of Social Impact Assessment and Management (Handbook of Social Impact Assessment and Management). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Journal articles

Altenkamp, I., & McManus, P., 2024. Nuclear power in a de-carbonised future? A critical discourse analysis of nuclear energy debates and media framing in Australia. Australian Geographer55(1), 23-43.

Chakraborty, S. L., 2024. Framing social movements: A geographical perspective. Geography Compass, e12748. 

Chen, Y. Y., & Howitt, R., 2024. Taiwan inside-out: Rescaling colonial constructions of Taiwan through a Tayal-focused lens. Geographical Research, 62(3), 425–439.

Eager, K., & McManus, P., 2024. Therapeutic and restorative landscapes: including preferences for bluespaces in planning urban infrastructure. Oxford Open Infrastructure and Health, ouae003.

Smith, P., & McManus, P., 2024. Geographies of Coexistence: negotiating urban space with the Grey-Headed Flying-Fox. Australian Geographer55(1), 95-114.


Jones, T., 2023. Heritage is Movement: Heritage Management and Research in a Diverse and Plural World (1st ed.). Routledge.

Book Chapters

Lesley Crowe-Delaney has two chapters on ‘Japanese tourism, the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and Covid-19’ and ‘Queensland-Gold Coast tourism, the Japanese era 1980- 1997 and single market strategies - a case study’ published in:
Košcak, M. and O’Rourke, T. (eds), 2023. Ethical and Responsible Tourism: Managing Sustainability in Local Tourism Destinations (2nd edn), Routledge.

Journal articles

Crisp, J.R.A., Ellison, J.C,. Fischer, A., 2022. Omnidiversity consolidation of conservation assessment: A case study of coastal geoconservation sites. Geoconservation Research.

Howitt, R. and Jolly, D., 2023. Reconnecting to the social: Ontological foundations for a repurposed and rescaled SIA. Current Sociology DOI: 00113921231203172.

Lamsal, K., Malenovský, Z., Woodgate, W., Waterman, M., Brodribb, T.J. and Aryal, J., 2022. Spectral Retrieval of Eucalypt Leaf Biochemical Traits by Inversion of the Fluspect-Cx Model. Remote Sens. 14, 567.

Passos, T., Penny, D., Barcellos, R., Nandan, B., Babu, D.S., Santos, I.R. and Sanders, C.J., 2022. ‘Increasing carbon, nutrient and trace metal accumulation driven by development in a mangrove estuary in south Asia’. Science of The Total Environment, p.154900.

Tenali, Srimayi and McManus, Phil, 2022. ‘Climate change acknowledgment to promote sustainable development: A critical discourse analysis of local action plans in coastal Florida’. Sustainable Development (OPEN ACCESS)


Barkus, H.R., Jones, R. and Schmitz, S. (eds), 2022. Rural Transformations: Globalization and Its Implications for Rural People, Land and Economies, Routledge, London. 

Booth, K., Lucas, C. and French, S. (eds), 2022. Climate, Society and Elemental Insurance: Capacities and Limitations, Routledge, London. 

Devendraraj Madhanagopal, and Momtaz, S., 2022. Climate Change and the Risk in South and Southeast Asia – Sociopolitical Perspectives, Routledge, London. 

B.H. Kam and P.J. Rimmer, 2022. Configured by Consumption: How Consumption-Demand Will Reshape Supply Chain Operations, Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, MA, US: Edward Elgar Publishing. Pp. i-xi + 180.

Hirsch, Philip; Woods, Kevin; Scurrah, Natalia; Dwyer, Michael, (eds), 2022. Turning Land into Capital: Development and Dispossession in the Mekong Region, Seattle, University of Washington Press.

Book Chapters

D.K. Bardsley was a contributing author to Chapter 11 (Australasia) in Working Group II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability of the 2022 6th Assessment Report of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Geneva.

Harvey, N. and Clarke, B. (in press – accepted 21/2/22) ‘Integrated Coastal Management’, in Johnston, E., Janke, T. and Cresswell, I., Australian State of the Environment Report 2021, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, Canberra. 


Baker, E., Daniel, L. and Sansom, G., 2022. Victorian Renters: Affordability, Experiences and Aspirations. An Analysis of the Australian Rental Housing Conditions Dataset. Report prepared for Homes Victoria.

Moskos, M., Isherwood, L., Dockery, M., Baker, E. and Pham, A., 2022. ‘What works’ to sustain Indigenous tenancies in Australia, AHURI Final Report No. 374, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne,, doi: 10.18408/ahuri3122901.

Ong ViforJ, R., Singh, R., Baker, E., Bentley, R. and Hewton, J., 2022. Precarious housing and wellbeing: a multidimensional investigation, AHURI Final Report No. 373, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne,, doi: 10.18408/ahuri8123801. 

Page, K., Baker, E. and Sansom, G., 2022. SANFL Boundary Review: Preliminary Document. Reports (one for each football club) prepared for the SANFL.

Journal articles

Butler, G., Szili, G., & Huang, H. 2021. Cultural heritage tourism development in Panyu, Guangzhou: Community narratives of pride, preservation, and concerns for the future’, Journal of Heritage Tourism,

Clarke, B., & Cong, V. C. 2021. ‘EIA effectiveness in Vietnam: Key stakeholder perceptions’. Heliyon, 7(2), [e06157]. 

Clarke, B., Thet, A. K., Sandhu, H., & Dittmann, S. 2021. ‘Integrating cultural ecosystem services valuation into coastal wetlands restoration: A case study from South Australia’. Environmental Science and Policy, 116, 220-229. 

Danaher, M., Wu, J. & Hewson, M. 2021. 'Sustainability: A regional Australian experience of educating Secondary Geography Teachers', Education Sciences, vol. 11, no. 3, p. 126.


Dr Claire Baker, recently PhD graduate of UNE, and the University Medal and Chancellor’s Doctoral Research Medal recipient for her research recently published A Sociology of Place in Australian: Farming Change (Palgrave, 2021).

Campbell, Yonique & Connell, John, eds, 2021. COVID in the Islands: A comparative perspective on the Caribbean and the Pacific, Palgrave Macmillan. [This book also includes chapters from other Australian Geographers: Kirstie Petrou (Flinders), and Olivia Dun (Melbourne).]

Book Chapters

Cope, M. and Hay, I. 2021. ‘Where are we now? Qualitative Research in Human Geography’ in Hay, I. & Cope, M. (eds) Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography, 5th edn, Oxford University Press, Toronto, pp. 3-17.

Kimpton, A., Pojani, D., Sipe, N., & Corcoran, J. 2021. ‘Parking Policy and Bay-Sharing for Unmooring Automobility from Cities’. In T. Sigler & J. Corcoran (eds.) The Modern Guide to the Urban Sharing Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.


Laubenstein, L., O'Donnell, T., Evans, K., Fidelman, P., Fulton, B., Gillanders, B., Harvey, N., Nakata, N., Norman, B., Nursey-Bray, M., Smith, T. (2021) Sustainable Oceans and Coasts National Strategy 2021-2030. Future Earth Australia & Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, Australia (81 pp) 

Harvey, N. (2021) The History of Pallarenda: The last 200 years,

Harvey, N. and Clarke, B. (in press – accepted 19/1/21) ‘Integrated Coastal Management’, in Johnston, E., Janke, T. and Cresswell, I., Australian State of the Environment Report 2021, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, Canberra.

Chris Leishman and Laurence Lester with Sumin Kim and Peter Rossini was featured on the front page of the Australian Financial Review, 14 December 2021, The full report can be accessed here:

Journal articles

Akhter, S., Dasvarma, G., Saikia, U., 2020. ‘Reluctance of women of lower socio-economic status to use maternal healthcare services – Does only cost matter’? PLOS ONE (Q1, H Index 300). Available online: 

Butler, G., & Szili, G. 2020. ’Mediating technologies on the move: Tourists’ automobilities through the Limestone Coast, South Australia’. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 369-381.

Gayatri, Maria and Gouranga Lal Dasvarma 2020. ‘Predictors of early initiation of in Indonesia: A population-based cross-sectional survey’. PLoS ONE 15(9): e0239446. https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.023944

Hannam, K., Butler., G, Witte, A., & Zuev, D. 2021. ’Mobilities: Walking, cycling, driving and waiting’, Tourist Studies,

Hay, I. 2020. ‘Zoom and place: Video conferencing and virtual geography’, South Australian Geographical Journal, vol. 116, no. 1, pp. 7-11. 

Hay, I. 2020. ‘On geoscientisation: A response to Cupples’, New Zealand Geographer, 

Islam, R., S. Schech, U. Saikia 2020. ‘Climate change events in the Bengali migration to the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) in Bangladesh’, Climate and Development, Taylor and Francis Inc. Available at (Q1) 

Kimpton, A. 2020. ‘Explaining the railheading travel behaviour with home location, Park ‘N’ Ride characteristics, and the built environment to strengthen multimodalism’. Applied Spatial Analysis

Kimpton, A. 2020. ‘Visualising Australia’s older population using grid maps’. Australian Population Studies 4(1), 70-72.

Kimpton A. 2020. ‘Upset diagrams for examining whether parking maximums influence modal choice and car holdings’. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 52(6):1023-1026. doi:10.1177/0308518X19890871

Kimpton, A., Pojani, D., Sipe, N., & Corcoran, J. 2020. ‘Parking Behavior: Park ‘n’ Ride (PnR) to encourage multimodalism in Brisbane. Land Use Policy, 91.

Liu, T. Xia, J. & Crowe-Delaney, L. 2020. ‘Tourism information diffusion through SNSs: A theoretical approach’, Sustainability, 12(5) 1731;

Oppenheimer, M., Schech, S., Fathi, R., Wylie, N., & Wall, R. 2020. ‘Resilient Humanitarianism? Using Assemblage to reevaluate the history of The League of Red Cross Societies’, The International History Review (open access) (SJR 2019: 0.151; Q2 History)

Smith, C., J. Grant, A. Kearney, A. Kotarba, K. Pollard, U. Saikia, & C. Wilson (with J. Willika) 2020. ‘A View from the bush: how lockdown affects remote Indigenous communities differently’. The Conversation. 15 May.

Schech, S., Skelton, T., Mundkur, A. & Kothari, U. 2020. ‘International volunteerism and capacity development in nonprofit organizations of the Global South’, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 49(2): 252-271 DOI: 10.1177/0899764019867774 (SJR 2019: 1.031; Q1 Social Sciences).

Tangney, P. 2020. 'Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't: The impact of economic rationalist imperatives on the adaptive capacity of public infrastructure in Brisbane, Australia and Cork, Ireland', Environmental Policy and Governance, vol. 30, no. 6, pp. 359-372. 

Tangney, P.C. 2020. 'Does risk-based decision-making present an ‘epistemic trap’ for climate change policymaking?', Evidence & Policy, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 661-672. 

Tangney, P. 2020. 'Understanding Climate Change as risk: A review of IPCC guidance for decision-making', Journal of Risk Research, vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 1424-1439. 


Bartel, R., Branagan, M., Utley, F., & Harris, S. (Eds.) 2020.  Rethinking Wilderness and the Wild: Conflict, Conservation and Co-existence. Routledge.

Kim, H. M., Sabri, S., & Kent, A. (Eds.) 2020. Smart Cities for Technological and Social Innovation: Case Studies, Current Trends, and Future Steps. Academic Press.

Rimmer, P. J. 2020. China’s Global Vision and Actions: Reactions to Belt, Road and Beyond. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Book Chapters

Crowe-Delaney, L. 2020. ‘Japanese Tourism in the late 20th/early 21st century: An aim for economic recovery ‘(Chap12): in (eds T. O’Rourke, M. Košcak), Ethical and Responsible Tourism Managing Sustainability in Local Tourism Destinations, Routledge ISBN 9780367191443 

Crowe-Delaney, L. 2020. ‘Queensland-Gold Coast tourism, the Japanese era 1980-1997 and single market strategies - a case study’ (Chap25): in (eds T. O’Rourke, M. Košcak), Ethical and Responsible Tourism Managing Sustainability in Local Tourism Destinations, Routledge  ISBN 9780367191443

Dickens, L. & Hay, I. 2020. ‘Geographers and ethics’, Oxford Bibliographies in Geography, ed. Barney Warf, Oxford University Press, New York. (@10,000 words) DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199874002-0223 

Hay, I. 2020. ‘Qualitative data’ (updated) in The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology, eds. D. Richardson, N. Castree, M.F. Goodchild, A.L. Kobayashi, W. Liu, & R.A. Marston, Wiley-Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0421.pub2 

Hay, I. & Dickens, L. 2020. ‘Geography and ethics’, Oxford Bibliographies in Geography, ed. Barney Warf, Oxford University Press, New York. (@10,000 words) DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199874002-0093  

Schech, S. 2020. ‘Becoming South Australian: Sub-national government and humanitarian migrant perspectives on settlement and belonging’, in Sacramento, Octávio, Challinor, Elizabeth, & Silva, Pedro G. (Eds.) (2020). Quest for Refuge: Reception Responses from the Global North. Famalicão: Humus, pp. 129-147.

Sherval, M. 2020. ‘Energising the Law - Greening of Fossil Fuels and the Rise of Gendered Political Subjects’, In O’Donnell, T., Robinson, D.F. & Gillespie, J. (Eds) Legal Geography Perspectives and Methods, Routledge, London pp. 240-257.


Kimpton, A., Pojani, D., Ryan, C., Ouyang, L., Sipe, N., & Corcoran, J. 2020. Contemporary parking policy, practice, and outcomes in three large Australian cities. Progress in Planning, 100506.

Archive of Books Published by IAG members

2014-2019 Books by IAG members (pdf file)

2005-2013 Books by IAG members (pdf file)

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