WEBINAR: Geographies for just outcomes in urban environments, Wednesday 29 May 4.30 pm AEST

13th May 2024

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Geographical Research, Wiley and the Institute of Australian Geographers invite registration for our next Webinar in our 2024 series on 'just geographies' - Geographies for just outcomes in urban environments

In 2024, we are focusing on the theme of justice in and through geography. This webinar will explore the ways in which urban agendas are shaping the discipline and also being shaped by it and by our research and teaching practices or contributions to policy and community life. We have a wonderful group of panellists to guide us through this conversation, and welcome audience engagement throughout. This month's panellists include: Jason Byrne, Karien Dekker, Sara Fuller, and Kurt Iveson.

Wednesday 29 May 4.30 pm AEST. 
Register: https://bit.ly/geor2024may

GR Webinar 29 May 2024.png

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