Geographical Research: Vol. 61, No. 3, August 2023 is published

7th August 2023
By Elaine Stratford

Table of Contents Alert: Geographical Research, Vol. 61, No. 3, August 2023

Cover Image Geographical Research
Volume 61, Issue 3

Pages: 299-405

August 2023




Free Access

Issue Information

Pages: 299-301 | First Published: 06 August 2023



Free Access

Coexistence and collaboration: Our Institute’s 2023 conference in Perth

Elaine Stratford

Pages: 302-304 | First Published: 06 August 2023



Open Access

Revolutionary possibilities of love in a time of disaster, decolonisation, and diffraction

Clare M. Mouat

Pages: 305-311 | First Published: 25 July 2023



Free Access

Geographies of COVID-19

Dallas Rogers, Matthew Kearnes

Pages: 312-319 | First Published: 15 April 2023

Description unavailable

Photo credit: Fusion Medical Animation. 



Open Access

Wiley Lecture 2022. Communicating climate change with comics: Life beyond apocalyptic imaginaries

Gemma Sou

Pages: 320-332 | First Published: 17 March 2023

Description unavailable 

Comics can be deployed as a multi-modal method that encourage researchers to develop thick descriptions of life with climate change and communicate the hidden experiences of climate change that are difficult to capture in words or other visual media. Comics can also visualise the multi-temporal, lived experiences of climate change and various still-possible climate futures that move beyond apocalyptic imaginaries. Finally, comics can increase the participatory nature of research and facilitate a move towards more ‘desire-based’ research frameworks that celebrate character-driven and anti-essentialist narratives.

Open Access

Tomorrow’s Country: Practice-oriented principles for Indigenous cultural fire research in south-east Australia

Andrea Rawluk, Timothy Neale, Will Smith, Tim Doherty, Euan Ritchie, Jack Pascoe, Minda Murray, Rodney Carter, Mick Bourke, Scott Falconer, Dale Nimmo, Jodi Price, Matt White, Paul Bates, Nathan Wong, Trent Nelson, Amos Atkinson, Deborah Webster

Pages: 333-348 | First Published: 10 May 2023

Description unavailable 

We describe three practice-oriented principles for developing and maintaining collaborations across Aboriginal groups, researchers, and government in the Indigenous-led revitalisation of fire on Country: relationships (creating reciprocity and trust); Country (working with place and people); and power (acknowledging structures and values).

Open Access

Private rental investment and socio-spatial disadvantage in Sydney, Australia

Ryan van den Nouwelant, Hal Pawson, Kathleen Hulse, Margaret Reynolds, Chris Martin, Bill Randolph, Shanaka Herath

Pages: 349-361 | First Published: 19 February 2023

Description unavailable 

Small-scale landlords pursuing high rental yields from a low capital outlay are linked to an uneven growth rate of private rental as a tenure share within different parts of Sydney, Australia, and so to the subsequent geography of social disadvantage within the urban region. 

Open Access

Experimentation as infrastructure: Enacting transitions differently through diverse economy-environment assemblages in Aotearoa New Zealand

Angus Dowell, Nick Lewis, Ryan Jones

Pages: 362-376 | First Published: 20 February 2023

This paper brings the Social Studies of Economisation and Marketisation to a suite of diverse environmentally-focused economic development initiatives in New Zealand. We argue that the initiatives register an experimentation-led agenda for societal transitioning and that not only is experimentation a pivotal mode of economisation, but it can cohere into an experimentation infrastructure that has a wider collective potentiality, offering us other ways to stimulate processes of transitioning.

Spatial and temporal dynamics of the urban heat island effect in a small Brazilian city

Maria Clara Aparecida Ribeiro, Leandro de Godoi Pinton, Renata dos Santos Cardoso, Margarete Cristiane de Costa Trindade Amorim

Pages: 377-389 | First Published: 15 January 2023

Description unavailable 

We examined the spatial and temporal patterns of the canopy layer of urban heat islands in a small city in southeastern Brazil using the local climate zone (LCZ) system. Thermal contrasts of ΔTLCZ 3 − D in the study area reveal significant evidence that small cities can have as strong heat islands as bigger cities. 

Open Access

A long entanglement with nature: Flyfishers in the wild

Busola Christianah Adedokun, Melinda Therese McHenry, James Barrie Kirkpatrick

Pages: 390-404 | First Published: 17 January 2023

Description unavailable 

Profiles of Central Plateau (Tasmania) flyfishers, charting their motivations for visiting and fishing in this wild area and their social and environmental concerns about this protected area.



Free Access


Eleanor Robson

Pages: 405 | First Published: 23 January 2023

This article is a correction.

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