IGU: Upcoming events involving the IGU
24th May 2023
By Phil McManus
Upcoming events involving the IGU that may be of interest to Australian geographers include:
- “The Ocean and Seas in Geographical Thought” - IGU Thematic conference, will be held in Milan (Italy), University of Milano-Bicocca, 6-7 June 2023 https://igu-chg-2023.unimib.it/
- IGU Thematic Conference on “Urban transformations: Towards resilient cities”, August 20-23 2023, UNAM Mexico City, Mexico https://igumexico2023.org/
The IGU is keen to strengthen links with the IAG, the National Committee for Geographical Sciences (which is our formal membership pathway to the IGU through the Australian Academy of Science) and Australian geography ahead of the 36th IGU International Congress to be held in Melbourne in 2028, co-organised by the University of Melbourne and the IAG.
Best wishes,
Phil McManus
Professor of Urban and Environmental Geography
The University of Sydney