WEBINAR SERIES: Topic: Decolonising the university from the Antipodes
11th March 2022
By Organising team
The Institute of Australian Geographers, Geographical Research journal and Wiley publishers are delighted to announce a new webinar focusing on decolonising the university. We launched the webinar series last year and we encourage your participation in these events.
The details for the 31 March 2022 webinar are below:
Click here to register for this event and please let others in your networks know it is happening.
Date and time: 31 March 2022 04:00-5:30 PM AEDT
Topic: Decolonising the university from the Antipodes
Description: University capitalism thrives by integrating Indigenous, minoritized and southern peoples and their knowledges into “western” paradigms. That practice disrespects rights to justice and profits from insecure academic labour. In this webinar we invite you to question colonial legacies, destabilise institutional whiteness and share ideas about how we can participate in affirmative thought and practice in ways that lead to just university systems. We are convinced that Antipodean geographers who engage in careful conceptual labour, tread risky ground, and question knowledge systems can advance a decolonial agenda in universities. This webinar follows the publication of a special section on decolonising the university from the Antipodes in Geographical Research. As contributors we sought to drive and strengthen, Indigenous, Southern, Black and Feminist scholarship and voices in research in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ecuador, and India. Together let’s invigorate and refresh the discipline of geography with fearlessness, interdependence, generosity, and collective responsibility to advance decolonial thinking by thinking, feeling, and acting otherwise—it is a struggle!
The panel includes: Michele Lobo (Deakin), Denisse Rodríguez (UniMelb), Vanessa Cavanagh (Wollongong), Haripriya Rangan (UniMelb), Sharon J McLennan (Massey), Margaret Forster (Massey), Richard Howitt (Macquarie), Leanne Holt (Macquarie), Michelle Lea Locke (Western Sydney University), and Robert Anders (UTas).