Call for Nominations for Awards and Medals of the IAG

18th March 2021

Members are invited to nominate their esteemed colleagues for the following awards: 

  • The GRIFFITH TAYLOR MEDAL is awarded for distinguished contributions to geography in Australia.
  • The AUSTRALIA-INTERNATIONAL MEDAL is awarded for outstanding contributions by Australian geographers to geography world-wide, or by geographers outside Australia to the geography of Australia.
  • The IAG AWARD FOR TEACHING LEADERSHIP AND SCHOLARSHIP (‘ATLAS’ AWARD) recognises excellence in leadership and/or scholarship in teaching, including communication and/or promotion of engagement in geography.
  • The IAG PRESIDENT’S LEADERSHIP AWARD FOR CONTRIBUTION BY AN EARLY CAREER SCHOLAR (‘PLACE’ AWARD) recognises excellence in contributions to geography made by Early career members of the Institute.
  • The WILLIAM JONAS AWARD recognises excellence in significant contributions made to Indigenous geographies and/or to geography by Indigenous geographers.
  • The IAG AWARD FOR DISSERTATION EXCELLENCE recognises excellence in a research dissertation, at Honours, Masters or PhD level, and the contribution that the student has made to the discipline of Geography.
  • A DISTINGUISHED FELLOWSHIP OF THE INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHERS (DFIAG) is awarded for distinguished service to Australian geography through furthering the aims of the Institute.
  • A FELLOWSHIP OF THE INSTITUTE OF AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHERS (FIAG) recognizes sustained and significant contributions made to geography.

Further details of all awards, including nomination details and requirements, are available from:

The closing date for all nominations is Friday 3 April, 2021.

Nominations should be sent to the Honorary Secretary,
Kirsten Martinus at

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