WEBINAR: “Just geographies in rural and remote environments” October 29, 2024 from 4:30 PM

13th October 2024

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“Just geographies in rural and remote environments”
October 29, 2024 from 4:30 PM  in Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Panellists: Rebecca Cross, Eliza Crosbie.

In 2024, we are focusing on the theme of justice in and through geography. 

This webinar will explore the ways in which questions of justice and related idea(l)s are engaging rural and remote geographers, shaping the discipline, and being shaped by it - including in our research and teaching practices or contributions to policy and community life. 

We have a wonderful group of panellists from the Institute of Australian Geographer's Rural Geography Study Group to guide us through this conversation - Rebecca Cross, Eliza Crosbie.
Please do join us and feel free to engage throughout.  All welcome!



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