Governance: IAG Council

The IAG is managed by a Council of elected Officers and Councillors.

The business of the Institute shall be conducted by a Council of financial members consisting of a President, two Vice-Presidents one of whom shall be the Immediate Past President and the other shall be the President Elect, an Honorary Secretary, an Honorary Treasurer, an Honorary Membership Secretary, and four Councillors, at least one of whom will be elected from among members of the Institute who are postgraduate students. The Honorary Editor of the Journal, and the Honorary Communications Editor shall be members of the Council with voting rights.

Each Presidential role is a two-year term. Vice-President (President Elect) serves two years prior to becoming President for two years, and then Vice-President (Immediate Past President) for a final two years. Presidents are not eligible for immediate re-election.

There are four Councillors, at least one of whom must be a postgraduate student.

The Council shall appoint the Honorary Editor of the Journal, and the Honorary Communications Editor. Other Honorary Editors may be appointed by Council but such Editors will not have voting rights on Council.

There are also Ex Officio members of the Council including: Secretary (Web), a representative of the Australian Geography Teachers’ Association (AGTA), and the Public Officer.


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